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 Visual Basic

Solar Winds

Findings of the Tribunal:

Submitted by Beelzebub. Almost everything out of this "corporation" - no change that: everything out of this corporation - is bloat, bloat, more bloat, and a rip-off.

They have the dumbest sockets applications that take no more than two or three lines of code and they've managed to transform these into little bloat bombs of their own. Take their ping program, for example. This weighs countless hundreds of kilobytes, yet you can go anywhere on the net and pick up ping tutorials that look almost the same and do it for about 10 - 12KB tops. How they manage to screw up so consistently is incredible.

A Bloatbusters™ S.W.A.T. Team was called in to deal with the matter. Their report, submitted by Beelzebub for publication, can be found on the next page.

  The Bloatbusters™ Solar Winds Report

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