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 Visual Basic


From: Anthony Stephen Szopa <anthony@ciphile.com>
Crossposted-To: alt.freespeech,talk.politics.misc,talk.politics.crypto
Subject: Re: Updated XOR Software Utility (freeware) Version 1.1 from Ciphile
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 21:42:06 -0800

Scott Craver wrote:
> Anthony Stephen Szopa  <anthony@ciphile.com> wrote:
> >Scott Craver wrote:
> >>
> >>         We just *told* you.  It's a huge binary, not open, and
> >>         only runs on a single platform.
> >
> >You know why it is as large as it is.  Don't complain to me.  This
> >is the nature of the modern GUI interface.
>         Um, no, it is not the GUI's fault.  Other people have tried
>         and failed to make a GUI program bloated as yours.  Others
>         have written much smaller utilities with GUIs.
>         Bloat is almost always a result of bad programming, not of
>         an API.  Certain OS's and APIs do contribute more bloat,
>         but for the amazing record-breaking huge programs the bloat
>         comes from programmers who just don't know or care how to
>         keep a program from getting huge.  Extra unneeded resources,
>         leaving in all the debugging info, no attempt at
>         optimization, et cetera.
> >Why do you need it open source?  It does what it is intended to do
> >and what it is claimed to do and does no more than it is supposed
> >to do and you can prove this by using it
>         NO.  While I trust that you are not providing an evil
>         trojan horse (or accidentally distributing a 70KB binary
>         with 230KB of viruses attached,) it is NOT EVER the case
>         that merely using the program proves it works as
>         specified.
>                                                         -S

You know all the facts?

We don't think so.  After all, how could you?

So what exactly are you trying to prove?

You've proved it:  you're not very smart to think we are not as
smart as you.


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