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Hawkeye is an Internet traffic gauge, a net health GP, devised for polling key backbone MAE and NAP name servers. As a side effect, Hawkeye helps keep your ISP connection alive.

Hawkeye polls are sent in ping bursts. The lower the packet loss and latency the better.

How many pings in a burst, the packet size, the timeout on each ping, and the delay between bursts are all up to you.

Hawkeye rounds off the system time of the local machine to the nearest millisecond, and when the interval is 'hit' sends out a new burst.

With a delay of 240 Hawkeye would kick his threads into action at 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, etc minutes after the hour.

Which name servers you want to poll is up to you: Hawkeye's default 'EYE' file should get you started and Spike can help you find name servers important in your corner of the world. Hawkeye files can be loaded, edited, saved, and run interchangeably.

File size: 10.5KB.

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