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A Blow to Educational Software

For someone smart enough to figure out how to fleece dirty old men and full blown morons, Mark Coorey is incredibly stupid.

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Mark Coorey of Brisbane Australia has a good game going. He sells small animated Windows desktop strippers to dirty old men and full blown morons for $30 each - and that's not Aussie dollars either but US dollars.

$30 each.

He's got sixteen such programs to sell you. That's about $500 for the lot - and if you're a dirty old man or a full blown moron it's a foregone certainty you'll buy them all. Easy come easy go.

Now Coorey has a problem: as these gems of software engineering run only on Microsoft Windows (hey - what did you expect) they're being exploited and infected and are spreading at a scary rate across the Internet.

Where they're sooner or later in the radar of antimalware militia organisations like Spybot. Who dutifully add signatures so the crap can be removed.

Coorey doesn't like that and issues a 'cease and desist' to Spybot, contending the latter are giving his company a bad name. [Yes you read that right.]

For someone smart enough to figure out how to fleece dirty old men and full blown morons, Mark Coorey is incredibly stupid.

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