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Assange @ Belmarsh 10:00

Julian Assange back in court today.

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BELMARSH (Rixstep) — Julian Assange is scheduled to return to court in Belmarsh today at 10:00. Jemima (Khan) Goldsmith will be there for support along with her stepdaughter from the US. Julian's mother Christine has also returned to the UK to support him in court today.

Why Belmarsh

Belmarsh has been called Britain's Gitmo. No explanation has been given why the proceedings have been relocated to a court there. But today's hearing is preliminary only - scheduling the actual hearings that will commence a month from now.

Assange is still tagged and still living in the East Anglia countryside as the guest of Vaughan Smith. He'll be represented today by Geoffrey Robertson QC and solicitors Mark Stephens and Jennifer Robinson.

'Talk About It'

Things are relatively calm otherwise but back in Sweden Anna Ardin's 'sisters' are still doing their best to whip a storm of hate. Backed by some powerful PR companies with US citizens at the helm and connections to Karl Rove, they've pushed at the media and even television to create a lynch mob atmosphere.

It's not noticed much outside the formerly admired Scandinavian country but inside there is still an effective blackout on the revelations of WikiLeaks, all the while the pot is ready to boil over.

The editor-in-chief of Bonnier-controlled Expressen was on local radio recently muttering something about Assange's 'detestable crimes'.

The idea seems to be to create grassroots support so a harsh treatment of Assange (if he's forced to return) will not appear unseemly to the sleeping citizenry.

Assange is also being compared rather openly in Twitter topics with notorious serial rapists by these people.


All the while the people at the Flashback have once again turned their journalistic skills on Sofia Wilén, once known only as 'T20' ('tjej 20 år' - 'the 20 year old girl'). Connections are sought between the US-controlled PR firms and their sponsorship of budding photographers through a number of clients of these firms.

There's no proof of a connection yet, but the Flashbackers understand there's been too little research into the matter, and that Sofia Wilén was the trigger behind all the events in the curious affair.

It's also been discovered Wilén did an absolutely professional job of scrubbing her Internet presence after the story broke in August: she had dozens of photographs of Julian Assange online; rather than simply removing them, she replaced them (at the same URLs) with pics of dwarf rabbits; after the Google caches had been updated to show only the tiny cute creatures and not Assange any longer, she began deleting.

This in stark contrast to the amateurish - not to say clumsy - attempts by Ardin to do the same: Ardin got hit hard for being found out; Wilén disappeared into the woodwork - something that most people believe indicates 'professional assistance' and that may further indicate Ardin was 'set up' as the 'fall girl'.

If I am able to reveal what I know, everyone will realise this is all a charade. If I could tell the British courts, I suspect it would make extradition a moot point.
 - Björn Hurtig

I can tell you that the Swedish prosecution still hasn't provided copies of those SMS texts that have been referred to. Those texts are some of the most powerful exculpatory evidence. In Australia prosecutors have a very grave duty to disclose such evidence to courts when seeking the grave exercise of a court's power against an individual. Yet in Sweden in this case, in the first hearings to obtain an arrest warrant, those texts were not submitted to the Swedish court, which is highly improper.
 - James Catlin

See Also
Sunday Times: Accuser snapped me in the nude

Industry Watch: Assange: The Hornets Nest
Hall of Monkeys: Three Women II: The Sex War
Red Hat Diaries: How to Rape Julian Assange Twice

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