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The Wicked Letters

Message-Id: <>
X-Wizard: ddos@
X-Mailer: Steve's Own Mailing Agent.
Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 00:52:51 -0700
From: Steve Gibson <DDoS@grc.com>
Subject: ^b0ss^, lithium, mimic, 'Wicked-subspace', etc. ...
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Content-Length: 3052

Hey Mike,

A couple of things,

I was sorry to receive confirmation from ^b0ss^ about your loss of your
Bots at 'wkdbots.ath.cx'.  I saw that it went down earlier this week and
^b0ss^ confirmed that the ips.mine.nu server had been shut down due to
illegal use.

I also wanted to make sure that you knew that I had NOTHING to do with
that. Like I told you, I don't have *any* problem with what you and other
hackers do so long as my site is left alone. Up to this point it's been
very educational for me, but I really want it to stop now.

I had infiltrated your Bot network and was monitoring it with my own custom
infiltration Spy-Bots which I wrote last week.  I have known about
'wkdbots.ath.cx' and '#pines1' (penis with the vowels exchanged) and
'penile' for quite some time.

For example, last Friday night, I watched you launch an attack on an
IP in Finland []:

:Wicked-subspace!cops@rox-17847.dialinx.net PRIVMSG #pines1
:!udp 999999 0

PRIVMSG #pines1 :BoMbInG:, PaCkEtS: 999999, DeLaY: 0

(This was just after you'd had a conversation with 'mimic' about playing
asteroids: 'kinda like asteroids / just with other users as the
asteroid'.  Perhaps you recall that conversation?  :)  I have many of your
attacks and online conversations recorded and fully logged.

In order to learn about all this stuff, I have infiltrated many Bot
networks and have been monitoring many Bot armies.  Earlier this evening I
freaked ^b0ss^ out a bit by telling him that he has 241 bots.  <>

He seems like a very nice guy, and he and I had a terrific conversation on
IRC (I figured out how all that works, obviously! :)

The reason I contacted him was that he had prepared a new Bot for lithium_,
but it hadn't been hex-edited correctly.  One of my spy-bots picked up the
conversation earlier this afternoon and automatically grabbed the URL, then
the file.  So I wanted to let ^b0ss^ know that he shouldn't let lithium_
deploy that Bot until its hex-edit had been fixed, since it wouldn't work
right.  :)

I have finally finished gathering all the data I need, and I understand how
all of this cool shit works, so I am finally working on the web page to
describe the 'Wicked Attacks' on grc.com.

I *REALLY* do hope you won't do that anymore Mike.

I need that to be over, like you've promised me, okay?

You have attacked me TWICE after you said that you would not do it anymore.
It is annoying to have the disruption of my web site and services.  I
really have nothing against you at this point, and I hope it can stay that
way and that we can remain friends.  :)  I hope you understand by now, how
much technology I have at my command, and that I am an elite hacker, not
some clueless lamer old guy.

I am sure we'd both be MUCH happier if we were to remain friends, okay?

I hope you have a good long weekend!  (^b0ss^ says you're rebuilding your
Bot army quickly again.  Best luck with that! :)

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