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Mi¢ro$oft Internet Explorer Users

Four years - what progress?

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Four years ago on 24 September 2004 chief of the US DHS cybersecurity division Amit Yoran resigned his post. One of his last acts in office was to condemn Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

Of course this is something this site's been doing for almost ten years. Noted security doyen Bruce Schneier has also gone on record with the following.

If possible, don't use Microsoft Windows. Buy a Macintosh or use Linux. Don't use Microsoft Internet Explorer, period.
 - Bruce Schneier

The problem isn't the Internet. The problem is the horribly insecure computers attached to the Internet. I would rather rewrite Windows than TCP/IP.
 - Bruce Schneier

There's no reason to treat software any differently from other products. Today Firestone can produce a tire with a single systemic flaw and they're liable, but Microsoft can produce an operating system with multiple systemic flaws discovered per week and not be liable. This makes no sense, and it's the primary reason security is so bad today.
 - Bruce Schneier

Microsoft shouldn't be broken up. It should be shut down.
 - Bruce Schneier

But has anything significant happened? To be sure Firefox has risen from the ashes of Netscape Navigator and achieved a nontrivial market share and Apple have an increasing demographic with their Safari - but Microsoft still dominate with their Internet Explorer. Why?

It certainly isn't Microsoft alone. Just because Microsoft plant their malware magnet on your computer doesn't mean you have to use it. A Firefox alternative is but a mouse click away at any time.

No: as before the cause of the pain and suffering people endure can be found in those very same people. There's no excuse for being uninformed. Not any more. The only possible explanation is people prefer to get the shit kicked out of them online and really don't give a damn how much havoc they wreak on this common property and heritage we call the Internet.

And what's really aggravating is how MSIE is not only a hopelessly insecure piece of software - it's also incredibly paraplegic, user hostile, and notoriously non-conformant with 'web standards' - those ratified guidelines the rest of the web adhere to.

And that's something that can drive conscientious webmeisters round the bend.

Dali Rău of Graphic Tribe is redesigning his company's website and after years of grappling with hopeless (and rude and stupid) MSIE users decided to draw the line.

'On the English website, if you try to access via Internet Explorer, you now get the following message at the top of every page, decorated with a 'STOP MSIE' icon too.'

Mi¢ro$oft Internet Explorer Users

Your web browser is simply too outdated and broken to be taken seriously in this era.

Technically, it's not really a web browser, it's more like a spamware/spyware/malware magnet... But you already know that, right?

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I haven't got the time nor patience to redesign (in this context, when I say 'design' I actually mean 'fistfuck') my website so that it can accomodate that piece of shit so-called 'web browser' Mi¢ro$oft has successfully tricked you into using.

So, the way I see it, we've got three choices:
  1. Go get yourself a real browser and start enjoying the internet! By 'real browser' I mean a modern, up-to-date, standards compliant software, like Firefox or Opera... shit, man, there's even a Safari version for Windows nowadays!
  2. View this website in its plain vanilla form, without any eye-candy or color, which is pretty much the only way your current 'browser' is capable of displaying it...
  3. Send me an e-mail and tell me what a fucking loser I am and that there's no way in hell you're gonna download a new browser just to see my fucking website. Add two 'FUCK YOU's and a 'BURN IN HELL' and then make it really clear to me that you're never gonna visit this sorry ass, fuckin' lame, goddam' cocksuckin' motherfuckin' website ever again.
Make sure you type everything in ALL CAPS, otherwise I might not get the point...

I would be very happy if you'd actually choose to install a good browser and come back to my website, I truly would!

My work is a form of art and it's being displayed for your viewing pleasure too, so of course I'd love to have you visiting! But that's not going to happen at the expense of wasting my time just so I can make this website look better in a 'web browser' that, on the other hand, has been completely neglected by its developers...

'This morning, I got the first message ever -from a M$I€ user- that does *not* tell me to go fuck myself :)) British boy who can't spell, but still, with a sense of humour.'


not here to complain luckily i have firefox as well as internet brower. but i got that message and i couldnt stop laughing, i  think it great.
just thought i would say that  as im pretty much bored and that mde me chuckle. kudos to you mate! oh and  love the latin lettering it  what i have been looking for.


'Hahaha, I'm amazed :))'

Dali Rău is obviously a very patient man.

See Also
Radsoft Rants: A Happy Leap Year Special
Radsoft Rants: Why Windows Exploder Stinks
The Technological: Mi¢ro$oft Internet Explorer Users

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