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Do It Yourself 1

Doing what EE does on your own might be a royal pain, but you can do it all - and save $75 in the process. An amazing number of EE's features take care of themselves anyway with normal use.

When you really look at it, you realize EE doesn't do that much after all.

Action Do It Yourself? How
Empties Recycle Bin Yes Just empty it
Deletes Junk Files Yes Search for *.bak, *.chk, *.gid, *.old, *.tmp, *.$*, *.~*, *.---, ~*.* and delete
Empties Applog Yes Delete all files in WINDOWS/Applog including desktop.ini
Empties TEMP Yes Empty TEMP yourself
Empties Recent Yes Empty WINDOWS/Recent
Empty RecentDocs Reg key
Empties Run MRU Yes Empty in Registry
Empties Find MRUs Yes Empty in Registry
Empties Typed URLs Yes Empty in Registry
Empties Autocomplete Yes Empty in Registry
Empties TIF Yes Use Iek for full clean or delete on DOS startup
Empties History Yes Use Iek for full clean or delete on DOS startup
Empties Cookies Yes Use Iek for full clean or delete on DOS startup
Removes Deleted Items.dbx Yes Just delete it
Removes Sent Items.dbx Yes Just delete it
Empties Media Player MRU Yes Empty in Registry
Empties NC3 Typed URLs Yes Empty in Registry
Empties NC Cache Yes Just empty it
Empties NC History Yes Delete netscape.dat, netscape.hst
Empties NC Cookies Yes Delete cookies.txt (or just make it permanently read-only)
Deletes prefs.js Yes Just delete it
Deletes liprefs.js Yes Just delete it
Deletes NC SNM Files Yes Search for *.snm and delete
Empties NC Trash Yes Just delete or empty file 'Trash'
Empties NC Sent Yes Just delete or empty file 'Sent'
Deletes Reg Backups Yes Search for rb*.cab and delete
Deletes Various ISV Registry Junk Settings Yes Monitor each application individually
Eliminates Deleted File Names In Root Yes Just defrag the disk
Eliminates Deleted File Names In All Folders Yes Just defrag the disk
Sanitizes File Slack Yes Wearisome: Calculate cluster use (Properties), expand, shred, restore
Sanitizes Disk Slack Yes Wearisome: Fill up all disk free space with gibberish file


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