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You often work with Visual Studio, Word, PowerPoint and a few other utilities all open at once. But you also like to listen to music while you work. You wanted a low cost, no drag on system resources CD player. You want - you need - a CD player that can be unobtrusive, that can run off the system tray, that's there when you need it and plays your CDs but stays out of the way when you don't need it.

The X-disc buttons: Play, Pause, Back, Forward, Repeat, Series, Track, Volume, and Eject.

Series Play

Note 'Series': X-disc allows insertion of any arbitrary selection of tracks as a series; once these are played (barring repeat) normal play resumes from wherever it was interrupted, from first track to end.

X-disc serves its purpose: it puts no further burden on an otherwise potentially very burdened system, its image size a mere 7KB. And it uses an aggressive working set, meaning its memory is most often on disk and not in RAM.

File size: 7KB.

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