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Lex Orwell: Not Everyone Happy

Some parliamentarians are still far from satisfied.

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STOCKHOLM (Radsoft) -- Certain members of the Swedish parliament are still not satisfied with Lex Orwell, calling it 'legislative piecemeal'.

The 'greens' and the leftists are now calling for a full parliamentary investigation.

Not Worthy

'This is an unworthy treatment of something the concerns the safety of the realm', said leftist Alice Åström to Svenska Dagbladet.

And Peter Eriksson of the 'greens' asks how the government are going to be able to create that new court in time for the law's enactment.

Fundamentally the Same

'This is fundamentally the same law', says Alice Åström.

'It's an unworthy treatment of such a crucial proposition and the only right thing to do is rip it all up and start over from the beginning again with a major parliamentary investigation.'

Source Identities

Åström sees no means to protect source identities in the proposal's new form and questions why only the government and the department of defence should be able to partake of FRA data.

'This means the security police and civil police are to build up separate organisations? This is going way too far.'


Peter Eriksson also wants to rip up the new Lex Orwell.

'They've flip-flopped back and forth and now they've landed in a ditch. The only right thing to do is to start over from the beginning. It's a legislative patchwork. You don't exactly create a new court over a coffee break', says Eriksson.

See Also
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Radsoft News: Lex Orwell - Why Aren't You Listening, Reinfeldt?
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