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The Wicked Letters

2001-09-12 19:50 - 20:21 UTC
When it rains it pours, and ironically enough it too often involves GRC.com. On the day after the great WTC tragedy the radsoft.net mail server was suddenly inundated with a flood of very strange letters postmarked Qatar, 53 in all.

The final letter offered something of an explanation.

	I an Wicked. The Wicked who dosed steave. These are
	the email steave sent me when he was takling to me.
	Check on steaves site in his dos page and you wil see
	its me Wicked. I think you can use them on yoir site.
	Steave took avantige of me.


The following morning another letter arrived from a different Wicked, claiming the letters sent the day before were stolen by someone who hacked his webmail account and impersonated him.

Whatever - the letters are presented as is, with complete headers to boot. Happy reading.

2001-05-15 16:58:19 2001-05-16 00:35:27 2001-05-16 01:58:44 2001-05-17 13:18:58
2001-05-17 14:24:57 2001-05-18 12:09:14 2001-05-18 15:35:07 2001-05-18 15:38:28
2001-05-21 10:52:43 2001-05-23 03:05:45 2001-05-24 13:23:25 2001-05-26 00:52:51
2001-05-26 20:41:35 2001-05-26 20:59:13 2001-05-26 22:05:13 2001-05-27 12:07:28
2001-05-27 12:30:01 2001-05-27 12:31:59 2001-05-27 15:18:50 2001-05-27 15:56:24
2001-05-28 23:42:05 2001-05-28 23:51:47 2001-05-29 11:00:53 2001-05-29 11:04:22
2001-05-29 12:15:33 2001-05-30 11:47:24 2001-06-01 17:45:40 2001-06-01 17:48:36
2001-06-01 20:54:33 2001-06-02 10:52:16 2001-06-03 10:17:12 2001-06-04 13:46:38
2001-06-07 15:01:55 2001-06-07 19:28:18 2001-06-07 23:51:50 2001-06-07 23:53:00
2001-06-08 00:09:58 2001-06-08 00:14:36 2001-06-08 00:20:27 2001-06-08 09:49:04
2001-06-08 12:17:29 2001-06-08 12:29:32 2001-06-08 12:36:03 2001-06-08 12:39:09
2001-06-08 14:57:09 2001-06-11 18:39:39 2001-06-15 10:32:48 2001-06-15 20:57:25
2001-06-18 18:30:26 2001-06-19 13:04:39 2001-06-25 12:43:18 2001-06-30 10:15:36
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