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Carter & Loopy Dan II

Week of June 5, 2002

This page replaced the ordinary front page of http://radsoft.net for 4 June 2002.

> In response, Chris said a couple of bad things that I thought were wholly
> inappropriate.

I tend to agree, and I will address that with Chris.

 -- Kevin Martin, CEO pair Networks

We are sorry for this inconvenience, but the domain radsoft.net may be going off line for a short time in the next few hours or days.

The background is in an attack perpetrated last night by Loopy Dan, and especially in the manner pair Networks' Chris Carter intervened and mismanaged the incident.

This is not the first time Loopy Dan and Chris Carter have made trouble.



  • When asked several years back why pair Networks hosts openly anti-Semitic neo-nazi sites with direct connections with hard core US racist organisations, Carter dismissed the issue with a peremptory 'it's a free country'.
  • When Radsoft was harassed by the Canadian madman (Billy Buckle, whose apology is still online at this site), Carter intervened and harassed and bludgeoned Radsoft with wild accusations and wildly inaccurate facts, until pair Networks' legal advisors were able to intervene and censor him.
  • When Robin Keir got into trouble because of a software screw-up at GRC.com, it was Chris Carter who again bungled in and bludgeoned poor Robin and threatened to close him down.

Now Carter is at it again. Radsoft do not gratuitously seek out e-mail addresses to harass people - we, unlike Carter, have too little time on our hands. But we shall not be harassed, nor shall we be censored, and the last time was cathartic enough to convince us that if Carter acted out of line again, we would stand our ground.

And that is where matters stand right now. If radsoft.net should disappear in the next few hours or days, then you will know the reason why. In the meantime, if you value what we have done, and if you value free speech, you might write a letter to sigma@pair.com and tell them what you think. It may not help us, but it will help others.

Thank you.

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