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Swedish Media Blackout on WikiLeaks

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The whole world's buzzing. WikiLeaks will have a press conference tomorrow about the release of an additional 400,000 Pentagon war documents. The Pentagon came out with an enormous quip under the circumstance: 'there won't be any surprises'. To which WikiLeaks responded: not to you.

The buzz is so pervasive that it eclipses all else - what's for dinner, what's for dessert, who'll survive another week on 'Idol', the new nightclub with the hot chicks - you name it.

What's Niklas Svensson doing tonight? Sucking up to more government officials? Hunting down a new rape scandal? For all his gracious employer Expressen have so far published is a lame toss-out article by one Anna Skarin. Who must have really broken into a sweat to assemble so little information in - get ready - 189 (one hundred eighty nine) words. Yes you read that right. Witness again the capabilities of the mighty jackal media.

  • Julian Assange called for a press conference tomorrow.
  • He'll talk about the secret documents to now be released - about 400,000.
  • He's risking the lives of soldiers.
  • The Pentagon's Dave Lapan is quoted.
  • WikiLeaks should return the documents.

That's it.

No word of the AP leak of the Pentagon document that shows no one was harmed last time around, no word of the research of Glenn Greenwald in charting the Pentagon's orchestrated media campaign, no mention of how the Pentagon have now threatened the world media with prosecution under the US Espionage Act if they report on the conference, no word of WikiLeaks supplying the Pentagon with details of what the documents contain, no word of the Pentagon's refusal again to work with WikiLeaks to redact sensitive information...

No word of shit.

A ten year old could have written the article in ten minutes by going to Google News and copying out the text in the big blue fonts. That's probably what Anna Skarin did anyway.

So far tonight in the land of IKEA, her article is the only one with more than 20 words.

Rape cases are cool, especially when they're nasty bits of panicky confused information. But hello? Are we supposed to publish actual information for our readers? Why?

See Also
Rixstep: Assange/WikiLeaks RSS Feed
Radsoft: Assange/WikiLeaks RSS Feed

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