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Sweden's Genocide-Lite

One woman starts crying...

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There's a war going on. A mostly silent war. A war of attrition. People are dying. And yet no one outside the country knows.

It's a cold evening, writes Jeanette Höglund. The harsh rain hits the bodies of the elderly, soaks their clothes. They're freezing already.

Jeanette used to be a salaried hostess for the Stockholm metro. It was Jeanette's job to go through the trains and platforms and make sure all was well. Jeanette understood that what she saw was what awaited her - and so many others.

Sweden's homeless. Not bums, but ordinary people. The people who financed Sweden's world-famous welfare state. People who'd worked hard all their lives. Paying the world's highest taxes without objection. Because this is Sweden and in Sweden people take care of each other.

But no more.

Billions are being wasted on ramshackle government. Just recently it was found they'd leased an ocean liner for hundreds of millions, but then forgot about it. Now they're being sued.

There are other stories too. In Sweden today there are always other stories. Today, the news feeds are a never-ending stream of car-bombings, murders, rapes, domestic animals being captured and tortured. The other day, someone caught a cat, burned it alive, and left the body out for all to see, with a cigarette in its mouth.

Residents in the inner city see the homeless on their way to the Metro in the mornings. They're rummaging through trash bins, hoping to find a morsel of food, anything to eat.

In Sweden. In rich Sweden.

Jeanette stopped working for the Metro when she realised how bad things really were. Ordinary Swedes can't see this. It's all hidden from them by their compliant media. Everything is hunky-dory in Sweden, and the whole world loves Greta.

Those worn-out tired bodies of theirs, she writes. They stand there and try to shelter themselves from the rain under our narrow awning. The smell of freshly brewed coffee floats out the door. I can see their faces light up: they realise we'll be open soon.

Jeanette runs a charity today, At Your Side. She does what they can and she wants to do more. Always more.

She gets no help from the government. They ignore her as best they can.

Some food stores help Jeanette. Jeanette wants to see that everyone gets a hot meal once a day. On rare occasions they're actually able to help someone get a place to live again. All these thousands of lovely people, sleeping on park benches, in doorways, in abandoned cellars.

In Sweden. Rich Sweden.

Just the other week, a cellar in an abandoned building was torched. Police found the remains of one of the homeless inside.

The doors open. Some new faces. More women this time. Some of them use walkers. Many of them are not more than skin and bones. They don't want to be seen or heard. Some of them might still have a place to live, but their pensions are so low so they need our help. One woman I see is over 70 years old. I'll be giving her a card for free bus rides tonight. Of course she'll take it.

It really breaks my heart to see so many destitute and homeless people in our country. Swedish is a rich country - that's what they keep telling us.

I pass out the bus cards after the meal. One woman starts crying when she gets hers. We bought seven more from the 7-Eleven tonight. That's a lot of money for us. But we carry on. This is about their welfare.

It's time for us to start planning for the holidays already. But how many of these people will survive another winter?

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