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Pendlebury: Worse Than Hypocrisy

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Perhaps there's one thing worse than hypocrisy. It's a journalist tasked with writing a hit piece. Richard Pendlebury is just such a journalist.


Richard Pendlebury is attacking someone behind bars who can't defend himself. He's using the reports of Andrew O'Hagan to do it.

Andrew O'Hagan's book is available online (Amazon) and his report to LRB is available online.


You can also try Archive.is.


So the best place to start is there. And it's no surprise that the paranoia of having the US beating at your door day and night plays a big part. It's not easy reading.

But remember when this reporting took place. The LRB piece was published 6 March 2014, the research and encounters took place long before. How long before?

This we know. Edward Snowden did a runner in 2013. Glenn Greenwald, then moved from Salon to the Guardian, interviewed him in his hotel room in Hong Kong, then abandoned him, at which point he finally contacted WikiLeaks. Julian Assange contacted Sarah Harrison, who was at that time in Australia trying to help Julian's father John Shipton. Sarah dashed to Hong Kong and rescued Edward Snowden. In March 2014, Sarah was in Moscow with Edward Snowden.

Why is this significant?

It is significant because Sarah Harrison and Julian Assange were still working together. Despite what she may have said (to O'Hagan and not to Pendelbury) and despite how she may have felt (and it may have been terrible) she and Julian were still working together.

That out of the way, let's look closer at Pendlebury, which is what we should be concentrating on. And as you read his piece yourself, getting far beyond the Swedish part, you'll realise he drinks the blood of Kali.


He is someone who champions transparency and argued for justice, yet scuttled into hiding for years to avoid the glare of the courtroom when accused of rape.

Patently untrue. This piece written here isn't going to attempt to educate the idiot contingent. If you don't yet know, if you really have NFC, you shouldn't be reading this and you shouldn't be reading Pendlebury either. You probably shouldn't be online.


He, who claimed passionately to uphold the democratic process and free speech, but colluded with the Russians to undermine the US election.

Pretty clear now where this is going.


This is a man who leered over underage girls and, allegedly, set out to impregnate women without their consent.

Bravo, Pendlebury!


Yet his defence team will now argue that, because he is a doting father engaged to be married to the mother of his two children, he should be allowed to stay in Britain.

The case is about arbitrary extradition. Even you, Pendlebury, understand that and even you admit it's wrong.


During his confinement in the embassy, the London Review of Books published a 25,000-word tour de force by Andrew O'Hagan about his time as Assange's ghost.

Oh yes. We already published the links above. You, however, did not.


Assange's own idea for the title of his autobiography was 'From Swedish Whores to Pentagon Bores'.

So that's in writing? That was his official request - and not idle teatime chitchat?


But what was to have been a triumphant, rock star-style blast of booze, adulation and sex...

The Swedes drink a lot, Pendlebury. Perhaps you do too?


Both women went to the police and accused Assange of rape...

No they did not. Untrue, and you know it, Pendlebury. They were too smart for that. It's believed today that this was an op directed by Peter Weiderud at the behest of the CIA. Nils Melzer's is the definitive report, written from his office at the UN in Geneva.


Keep in mind that Melzer, having read so much tripe from the likes of Pendlebury, refused to look into the matter for several years. And yet, when he finally did look, he says he was shocked to the core. Read that headline again - 'A Murderous System'.

Include a link in your followup, Pendlebury. Use this link too.



He suggested the allegations were part of a CIA operation to drag him in chains to the States.

Well duh, Pendlebury! And what's your contribution been, Pendlebury?

Let's spell it out for you, OK?

Your contribution, Pendlebury, has been to lay out smoke screens, to smear, to poison the debate, and to facilitate efforts to cover up overwhelming evidence of war crimes.

Feeling proud and dapper now, Pendlebury?

'Didn't even bother reading the propaganda piece straight to comments.'
 - 'Williams1'
'The usual DM trash, playing to their usual clueless hillbilly crowd (the same crowd that put a village idiot in No 10), unwilling and incapable of processing any complexity.'
 - 'ZigCOM'

PS. The piece was researched by an 'Alexander Dominici' in Stockholm. 'Dominici' is FILIP ALEXANDER DOMINICI BERTILSSON. He lives and works with LINA INGEBORG THOMSGÅRD on the island of SÖDERMALM, something that means a lot to anybody familiar with the matter.

PPS. They share a used car. An Audi.

See Also
Rixstep: WikiLeaks is Back
Rixstep: Sarah Harrison in Berlin
Rixstep Heroes Banquet: Sarah Harrison

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