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Red Hat Diaries/000c

Myths II

The upper right hand corner is supposed to get hot. Right by the power switch. Yes, it gets a bit warm, but again, in retrospect, you understand that the engineers at Apple are not about to release a product like that. They insist on quality, and this 'warm' thing does not come even close to compromising that quality. Really, I do wonder what these reviewers - PC World, ZD, CNET - what they're up to. Smudges? Scratches? From rings and wrist watches? Oh goodness. And the noise level? What noise level?

Should you be careful with your box? Should you be careful with your Ferrari? A Ferrari has a fibre glass chassis - are you going to race it against Richard Petty on a mud track? Hardly. It's a work of art. So is an Apple. Be careful with it. Consumer Affairs says that Apple owners aren't just satisfied with their boxes - they adore them. And that would seem to ring true. One lady said the only thing wrong with her iBook was that she couldn't marry it.

The Wintel world has hundreds of thousands of ISV products out there which mostly set about compensating for something that doesn't work right. Look at Extreme Power Tools - scratch the developer aspect of what's inside and that's exactly what you have. And you have the rainmakers - the 'memory optimizers', the this and the that - all because something in the box doesn't work right.

Would you accept that in any other appliance? Apple users use their machines - they don't tinker with them. They buy these boxes because they have a need - Wozniak nonwithstanding, they are not a tinker/hacker crowd. Think VisiCalc - and remember for what platform it was written.

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