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Red Hat Diaries/0038

X is not Unix

Subject: Re: X is not Unix
   Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 15:14:45 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)
   From: Rickster
     To: Sargon

>Maybe someone at Apple needs a little history lesson.

I don't know what they're up to. But there are countless examples of 
something going wrong.

Consider the following, gleaned from my studies of Carbon and Cocoa.

All interface controls - menu items, dialog push buttons etc. - need 
both a string application signature and a control ID. The control ID 
is a 32-bit number - so far so good - but the application signature, 
also called a creator code, is not. It is a four character text 

Now here comes the punch: These creator codes have to be _unique 
across the board_. You may not have a creator code that is already 
in use somewhere else in the system.

How do you ensure that your creator code is unique? Why by visiting 
the Apple site and applying for a creator code! Also at the Apple 
site you can see the list of currently registered creator codes.

The character space comes in at 20h. The range of visible easily 
typed and standardised characters ends normally at 7Eh. That gives 
you 5Eh or 94 possible characters, including punctuation marks, 
brackets, braces, parentheses - all of which are most likely 

It gets worse. All _lower case creator codes_ are opted by Apple 
themselves. You just cut a big chunk out of all possible creator 
codes left to the public. In the nightmare scenario therefore, you 
have basically the American English alphabet, 26 characters (no 
completely lower case allowed) times almost two, raised to the power 
of four possible creator codes - right?

To make this easier to compute, let's say we have 50 possibilities 
for each character of the four. That gives us 6,250,000 possible 
creator codes - and then that's it, that's the upper boundary. 
_There may not be more than 6,250,000 applications ever written for 
the Mac._

Sounds wimpy, doesn't it? You bet. But the knock-out punch is right 
under your nose, and you probably don't see it yet. For why in the 
name of all that is sacred would you need this junk anyway? The only 
possible explanation must be that the I/O on X is very confused. Let 
me explain.

Before the days of NT, back when 'cooperative multitasking' was the 
only way one could go, everything was basically one big glob in 
memory. The 'operating system' per se, Windows 3 or Mac OS 9.2, 
was/is basically just another application trying to get into the 
CPU. There were no threads, there was no true multitasking, there 
was no 'kernel mode' to speak of. If your application did not call 
GetMessage in Windoze, you could not relinquish control back to the 
operating system. The GetMessage call was taken care of _'at the 
operating system's leisure'_, ie first the OS would clean up, make 
sure all visible windows were updated, do other housekeeping chores 
etc. before giving you back a message. Because of this, and only 
because of this, systems like Windows 3 and Mac OS 9.2 could work.

And because it was one big glob of memory, everything was accessible 
to anyone. In fact, MS began warning vendors such as Adobe way back 
then to stop their dorky programming practices, as soon with the 
advent of NT and 9x these questionable techniques would no longer 
work. (For the record, Adobe did not listen. That's another story.)

And back then, a message was a message was a message. And there was 
only ONE message queue for the entire system. Which is why these 
16-bit systems can bring the house down.

The system should change radically for 32-bit systems however. Not 
only did Cutler see that C2 was operative, at least in the sense 
that each and every process experienced itself as being alone in the 
computer - using very sophisticated virtual memory, page tables, the 
like - he also saw that the input queues were quickly expedited and 
messages transferred at lightning speed to _thread-specific message 

Which is how NT freaks in the beginning could deliberately botch up 
a bad app and then move your cursor out of the bad app's window, and 
the hour glass would disappear and the NW arrow would return. For 
already on the kernel level the messages were dispensed with, and 
after that it was up to each and every application to deal with its 
queue on its own.

Queues are funny things. What basically happens is that an app - 
transparently or not: on Windoze it's explicit, on Mac OS as on Unix 
it's 'done for you' - plucks a message from the queue and 
_dispatches_ it. There might be some preliminary processing, so on 
Windoze this is a good thing. For example, you might want to convert 
key up and key down messages into character messages. (Then again 
you might not.) You might also want to invoke an accelerator table 
(for keyboard shortcuts). Etc.

When the message pump as it is called dispatches your message, it is 
sent through this dedicated API to the 'window procedure' which 
handles windows of the class to which the window specified by the 
window handle in the message belongs. This message is _sent_ - that 
means that your call to the dispatching API will not return until 
the window procedure takes care of it. And for what it's worth (and 
it's normally not worth a thing), the return value from your window 
procedure is the return value from your call to the dispatching API 
- not that this is ever used of course: There is nothing you could 
conceivably use it for, but nonetheless: it is there.

What all this means is that your specific application can in fact 
lock itself by not returning to your dispatch call, and as more and 
more messages enter your queue through the graces of the kernel 
level I/O routines, your queue can become overloaded. But what is 
important to understand here is that only your application will be 
affected - all the other windows on your desktop will continue to 
perform admirably, as all these buggers are being effectively 
rationed CPU time slices by your kernel schedulers (NT has two).

NT crashes today, but when it does, it is most often due to screwy 
code running in the graphics drivers. Cutler had to move the 
graphics back into the kernel, against his own explicit design 
principles, because the assholes who dreamed up the shell namespace 
and Explorer had screwed him bad: Their asshole idea was so dumb 
that it threatened to bring NT to a grinding halt, and Cutler knew 
he'd always had a speed advantage over those assholes and he wanted 
to keep it. Preliminary tests of NT4 showed, for example, that its 
graphics were about ten times as fast as 95, and Cutler liked it 
like that.

Here's the other aspect of the same thing: When registering window 
classes to run an application, Microsoft insists you have to choose 
names that are unique system-wide, but they are not reading their 
own documentation. For these names need only be unique on a 
per-process basis.

Why? Because with true 32-bit multitasking, _other processes cannot 
see your memory_. And this is a _sine qua non_ of any true OS. Now X 
has not been certified (although Jobs might be if he keeps this up) 
but the assumption has to be that X is at least as secure, at least 
on paper, as NT. (It's Unix - FreeBSD - or at least it's supposed to 
be. Any other hypothesis would be ridiculous. And there is no way 
you can construct a true multitasking OS without these guarantees. 

But this is where the cruncher comes in. This is where the referee 
waves his hand and shouts 'NINE! TEN! YOU'RE OUT!' For if X is truly 
multitasking, then the names of all these dorky controls - their 
creator codes and control IDs - are totally immaterial. For in such 
case, the system is performing proper channeling of incoming 
messages and dispersing them summarily to thread-specific message 
queues and there is no conflict possible.

If the system is performing true multitasking, and if the system has 
at least C2 stability and security (virtual memory decently 
implemented, each process thinks it's alone in the system), _then 
none of the above could happen_.

Yet time and again we see that spinning beach ball - not over just 
one window either. OVER THE ENTIRE SCREEN.


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