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Red Hat Diaries/003f


     To: aaron@bignerdranch.com
Subject: Re: Sorry

Love your book, hate the typos which you say are of course not yours 
(natch) but the fault of A&W (corresponding with them to get a 
better edition, because yes, I regard it as a personal problem that 
I do not like having to go online to find corrections for what 
should never have occurred in the text of the book), but am at a 
loss finally, at the end of the book, because almost the COMPLETE OS 
X is missing.

OS X aka NS is enthralling, but my dear friend, we are working here 
under - or above, have it any way you wish - Apple's file system, 
memory management system, thousands of different systems, and you 
have not once detailed these. How one accesses a file on disk, NOT A 
SINGLE API; you have not once explained that Mac files have resource 
and ordinary 'forks'; you have not once detailed even what a frikkin 
fork is; you have not gone into memory management, thread creation - 
NONE OF THAT; and this is a text on OS X? Sorry, but you are 
ludicrous at best, a rip-off at worst.

For this is not a complete book on NS - this is a book on writing 
twerpy NS applications for an OS provider that doesn't want to give 
away one binary digit of information about how their OS works, 
written by a developer of questionable skills who wants to make a 
quick buck.

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