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Red Hat Diaries/0044

No Nookie

OK, it isn't that bad, but it's close.

Sydney got a digital camera for her birthday. She got it because I bought it for her. I bought it for her because she nagged me for four months. 'This is what I want, goddammit. You buy it for me, goddammit.'

So I bought it.

Some consolation for me. Sydney sits in her office and plays with iPhoto all night.

No nookie.

OK, it isn't all that bad. But what gets me is how easy it is to integrate the one with the other. As an example, Syd forgets to start iPhoto - which she just downloaded - before she connects the camera. But so what? Steve Jobs then asks, 'Where do you want to put your pretty pix, lady?' And she tells him and it's a fait accompli. Try that, Billy Boy. Try that and fall flat on your ugly face.

So she's got a bunch of glossies going on her Carly Fiorina and at least one is me with pectorals looking like Arnie. And she's in there, editing away and having a grand old time at it. And me?

Me, I'm thinking, what does middle user want? Middle user wants THIS. Middle user wants CONVENIENCE, and Apple's there. Apple is as close as you can get - sitting right on top of it.

Sydney wins, I get nookie, Steve Jobs wins - we ALL win.

Bill Gates is left sucking his thumb.

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