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Red Hat Diaries/007f


The programming language C++, using a paradigm known as 'object orientation' (OO), has been the bane of the software industry, and it's no secret that the lack of expertise in programming circles today, along with the prevalence of bloat and bugs, is directly attributable to the use of this language.

As a developer 'who cares', I take a direct interest in where software engineering is going, and of course I do not like what I see, and have not liked it for as long as C++ and OO have dominated. Objective-C and the NextStep platform offer a way around that.

NextStep is object oriented too, but so is every desktop you will ever use. It's a matter of common sense. But there is object orientation and then there is object orientation. As long as it's sensible and intelligent, it's good. When it becomes a banner to wave, a Hotel California mind cult to intimidate with, it's bad and must be thrown away.

The programming community will always be assailed by the suits and the weak-minded (who are often one and the same). The suits will decide that Warnier-Orr or JSP or OO must be used because programmers have undeveloped minds; they will judge from their perception of their own cerebral capabilities. Programmers generally have little or no respect for suits, and will generally conduct a shadow game with them, smiling and acknowledging in their presence, but ignoring them completely when their backs are turned. Suits are not good people - ask any programmer.

If it takes Objective-C to rip the world out of its C++/OO rut, then so be it. If promulgation of the Aqua platform can in some way result in a general improvement in software products, then it needs to be looked into.

Besides - I'm a programmer: If there is no programming fun in a platform, I won't even be there.

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