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Re: eBanking Victim? Take a Number.

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Brian Krebs published yet another article on Zeus victims today.

'I am now hearing from multiple companies each week that have suffered tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollar losses from a single virus infection.'

Evidently there's a belief amongst Windows users that it takes more than one virus to get hacked.

'Last week I spoke with people from four different companies that had been victimized over the past two months alone.'

'In each of these dramas, the plot line is roughly the same: attackers planted malicious software on the victim's PC to steal the company's online banking credentials and then used those credentials to siphon massive amounts of money from the targeted accounts. The twists to the stories come in how the crooks evade security technologies, how the banks react, and whether the customers are left holding the (empty) bag.'

Brian's spoken with Jon Eskola of Eskola Roofling of Treadway Tennessee and Donna Diaz of Orange Family Physicians of Orange Virginia. Eskola got hit for $130 K and Diaz got hit for $46 K. Small change but it adds up. Eskola tells his story.

'It really took our bank by surprise and triggered a whole series of internal reviews because they told me they've been hit several other times since then.'

Took the bank by surprise? Got hit several times?

Donna Diaz went out and bought a shiny new laptop..

'I don't use it for browsing the web or checking email.'

She keeps it in her desk drawer. Guess what operating system it has.

'It's really kind of sad because it doesn't seem like there's much awareness out there by the general public or businesses about how big a deal this can be.'


'People think everything is safe in banking online when it's really not.'

Wow. That's something to really think about. A final word from Virginia police special agent Marc Quince.

'There are no simple answers.'

There you go.

There are no simple answers.
 - Marc Quince

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