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Contrary to popular belief, ZoneAlarm is not the only firewall.

BlackICE Defender

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BID is not so much a firewall as it is an intrusion detection system, i.e. it is set up to let you the user decide - in almost limitless detail - exactly what is to go out and what is to go in. Don't believe the hype you've read about BID: it's a good product. Download their free trial download and see for yourself.

Tiny Personal Firewall

This is a good product - in fact it is a very good product. Visit the site and see who else is using Tiny software - you'll be surprised! Tiny Personal Firewall is - FREE!


ZoneLabs is run by John McAfee who officially came into the organisation on 2 October 2000. McAfee is notorious for his hype-marketing of viruses such as Michelangelo and MtE the Dark Avenger Virus Mutation Engine as far back as 1992. That McAfee today mostly likely calls the shots at ZoneLabs does not heighten one's confidence in the company or its product.

While critics may be hard put to find fault with the ZoneAlarm product, they are not so easily placated by the shameless marketing techniques used. ZoneAlarm's main marketing channel is GRC.com where the product is pushed to an almost obscene extent. GRC.com has effectively marketed ZoneAlarm to the near total exclusion of the competition, all the while attempting to maintain its image as an impartial and trustworthy security resources site.

In a recent radio interview Steve Gibson was heard to protest his innocence ('I'm not selling anything'), but whether Gibson wishes to admit it publicly or not, his unabashed promotion of ZoneAlarm, intentionally or not, is most decidedly moving product - and he would be the first to agree.

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