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Robin Keir's Software

More and more I see programmers taking the easy way out and bolting on COM DLLs here, ActiveX components there and so on. Their solutions to a problem skip over the most straightforward, simplest and smallest methods and instead go straight for the component solution. Some of them are not even aware of how to do things in a raw API - some things I can do in one or two lines take them hours to code up.
 - Robin Keir

Robin Keir is one of the greatest programmers alive. He can 'really' program. But what sets him apart is his ability to get down and do the dirty. No matter the challenge, he can put his ear to the grindstone - and just do it. That makes him an incredible resource to anyone lucky enough to have him onboard.

Robin Keir's Software works the good old way, like back in the good old days before the lamers with OWL, MFC, Delphi and VB polluted the market. No Registry shenanigans, no installs and uninstalls - just run it. On the other hand you'll have to archive the files all by yourself - think you can handle that?

Net Lingo

It couldn't have been made to happen by a cuter girl - or a more talented one.

For years Erin Jansen has been running the Net Lingo dictionary and turning it into one of the most visited sites on the Internet.

She's been featured in Fortune magazine, been on MSNBC, and won almost every award in the book. Speaking of books, her new hardcopy edition of Net Lingo is due out in April 2002 and it only costs $19.95 - a steal for over 500 pages of such good entertainment. For it's not only a net slang dictionary, it also has tons of features like the 'assicons' and hundreds of other smileys you won't believe. Or do you already know how to draw Marge Simpson and Elvis?

Erin will be at the Publisher's Marketing Association and BookExpo America in NYC April 29 - May 5 2002 and will be signing her book at the Cyber Café in SoHo and Times Square. Get on over and get her autograph.


Once in a great while - a very great while - someone comes along with an idea so revolutionary, so earth shattering...

Hackbusters have done it. They figured out how to fight back against the malevolent forces on the Internet. They invented LaBrea, the ultimate teergrube application - heralded by Jim Rapoza of eWEEK Labs as the most useful application for the entire year 2001.

Perfect for netadmins, fun for home users, LaBrea in either incarnation is a great way to tune your presence on the Internet and give it to the black hats at the same time. For lack of anything better to do of an afternoon, wander over to the white hat Hackbusters and see how many IPs they have stuck in the pits.

Better yet, download one of their programs and start to make a contribution yourself.

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